Exercises for boys and girls 2020

For the boys

Dhaka Farmgate Health Point Gym head coach. Rafiqul Islam said that the boys' exercises are a little heavier than the girls' exercises and the boys' exercises place more emphasis on muscle building. Here are some exercises to do while sitting at home:

 Shoulder Circle: Stand up straight and look forward. Fold the right arm and lift it along the right ear, rotate back, down and up in a certain rhythm, rotate the left arm in the same way by turning at least eight times. Breathing will remain normal. 

 Side Bends: Straight, stand normally. Stand with your legs slightly wider than your shoulders and your knees slightly bent. Place both hands behind the waist. Now raise the middle body or torso a little and bend it once to the right and once to the left. Exercise 16 times in a slow rhythm like this.  Exhale to bend, stand up straight and breathe.


Trunk Twist: Stand up straight, normal. Stand with hands wider than shoulders, knees slightly bent, hands behind waist. Keeping the spine straight, rotate the entire midline once from right to left, then from left to right. Practice 18 times in slow rhythm. Breathing will remain normal.

 For girls

There is a lot of information available on the internet about exercise. From there it is possible to practice knowingly. And these exercises take up less space.  Below are five exercises you can try on your own.

 Aerobics: Aerobics is another name for freehand exercise to the beat of music. In aerobics, the movement of the hands, feet and other limbs is done in a very aesthetic manner. CDs of various aerobics exercises and tunes are available in the store. Those who are just starting aerobics can start with a low intensity CD.

 Yoga: Tanjina Chowdhury's second favorite list is Yoga - meaning yoga.  This exercise takes nothing but a comfortable mat. You can take 10 minutes to walk home before starting. Never normally or just with finger mass. Then you can calm down the mind and start different asanas, such as Vajrasana, Suryapranama, Ardhakonasana, Trikonasana etc. Body, mind, both will be exercised. At the same time practice breathing exercises or pranayama.

 Skipping: Tell me, who didn't play rope jumping with friends as a child? So you can practice skipping practice. For those who are overweight or have knee pain, it is best to avoid skipping.

 Stand jogging: You will not need any equipment for stand jogging. Standing in one place can be done jogging empty handed or holding something. This will exercise your whole body. If you don't want to get tired, you can rest for a while.

 Treadmill: Tanzina Chowdhury's last suggestion is treadmill. It is nothing more than a mechanical walking and running machine. Those who do not want to go out can run to the corner of the room.

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