Sleeping before 10pm,  Congestive heart failure and, excessive sleeping,  Going to bed at 10pm,   Is sleeping at 10 am bad,  Is it ok to sleep at 10 am,

There is no set time to go to bed at night. Going to bed before 12 o'clock one day. One day it is getting midnight to sleep again.  Again, there are many who like to work at night. Or listening to music, watching movies, or even spending the night on social media.  Researchers have sounded the alarm for those who wake up at night. A recent study found that people who fall asleep between 10 and 11 at night have a relatively lower risk of heart disease.

  The study was published in the BBC on Tuesday. The study was conducted by Bio Bank research team in the United Kingdom on 6,000 volunteers. The research report was published in the European Heart Journal.

 Researchers say that going to bed early and getting uninterrupted sleep is directly related to our body clock. While this practice reduces the risk of heart disease, it also reduces the risk of stroke. If the human body's 24-hour body clock is disturbed for sleeping late, blood pressure problems also occur. The researchers gave each of the volunteers a watch-like device.  

This device captures the information of their going to sleep and waking up. It has been found that more than three thousand adult volunteers have suffered from various types of heart disease. Most infected people have a habit of going to bed late at night and getting up late in the morning.

 Analyzing the data, the researchers say that sleep at night cannot be delayed for the sake of heart health. I have to wake up in the morning.  The normal rules of the body clock cannot be violated. And the 'ideal time' for sleeping at night is between 10 and 11 o'clock.

 Despite considering the age, weight, and cholesterol levels of the volunteers who took part in the study, researchers have identified sleep disturbances as one of the leading causes of heart disease. David Plans, author of the research report and a researcher at the University of Aster in the United Kingdom, said: "We have not yet concluded the study. However, there is evidence of a link between the body clock and heart disease at bedtime. '

 David Plans added, ‘Going to bed after midnight is the most risky.  Because it reduces the opportunity to see the light of dawn. Which violates the rules of our normal body clock. '

Regina Giblin, a senior cardiologist at the British Heart Foundation, said: "This study gives us a clear message. Go to bed between 10 and 11 at night. Keep your heart healthy for a long time. '

 Not only sound sleep but his alertness and dedication too are most required. According to him, going to bed early at night and waking up early in the morning normalizes the lifestyle of people.  It can control blood pressure and cholesterol problems. He also emphasized the importance of regular exercise to keep the heart healthy, eating healthy foods, controlling weight, and reducing alcohol and salt intake.

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