The basic concept of exercise. 


 Our body burns a precise quantity of calories each hour. Assume concerning seventy five calories per hour once nothing is typically done. As such, a healthy adult desires concerning one,600 calories on a daily basis. But now it can be said that if you eat 1600 calories at a time without eating so many times.

 But no! Because our body will consume a precise quantity of calories for a precise amount of your time. If it is more than that, the body will automatically store the remaining calories as fat.

 At present this "fixed time" is a little less than 3 hours. Because once it is played, it should take about two and a half to 3 hours to be digested. Since it is not possible to eat during sleep, we need to consume calories throughout the rest of the day except sleep.

 Suppose a person is 5 feet 7 inches tall and weighs 150 pounds or 6 kg. Now it is not possible to eat 75 calories per hour. And once you play it, it should take about two and a half to 3 hours to digest. During this time your body will need 75 * 3 = 225 calories. Adding the sleep time, it was caught 300 calories.

 Then it is seen that it is possible to complete 1600 calories by playing 300 calories 6 times every two and a half / three hours.

 When 300 calorie food is digested in 3 hours, after 3 hours a healthy-normal body will be waiting for new food again.

 This time notice the magic of the body a little better

 If a person does not eat, the body will first burn the fat stored in the body and provide energy. Gradually the muscles will start to burn. In this way the body will decay and people will start getting thinner day by day.

 1.  If you consume 300+ calories instead of 300 in 3 hours, your body will burn 300 calories in 3 hours to add energy. The remaining calories will start to accumulate straight as fat. (In boys it will start accumulating from the lower abdomen and in girls it will start from the buttocks and thighs.)

 2. If you eat 3 times, you will need to eat 600 calories every 5-6 hours on average. 300 calories will be digested properly in 3 hours, the rest of the food will not be digested properly and will start to become fat and the body will start feeling weak after this next 3 hours.

 3. When the body sees that you are not feeding again after 3 hours, it will start storing energy to keep itself alive and that is as fat. If you start eating irregularly in this way, the metabolism will start at 12 o'clock.

 4. If you eat again as soon as the food is digested (after 3 hours), then the body does not have to store internal energy with extra effort, that is, fat will not accumulate. Then the body will give full attention to your external work.  People say that at this time they get "force to work". In other words, to keep the digestion good, you have to eat little by little regularly.

 But what to eat?

 Of course balanced feet! This means that every meal should have a combination of protein, carbohydrates and fats. Must be about 40% protein, 30% carbs, 30% fat.

 Fish, meat, eggs, milk, sour yogurt, red rice, wholemeal bread, vegetables, fruits, plenty of water.

 What not to eat?

 White rice, round potatoes, flour, sugar, sodium, alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, processed food, canned food, oily and spicy foods.

 Assorted home exercises

 There is a variety of exercises that are done in the gym. Running, Fight Twist, Dumbbell Lifting, Barbell, Pushup, Skipping, Treadmill, Bike, Cross Trainer, Squat, Beats, Back Crunch, Aerobics, Yoga, Stretching are some of the exercises performed in the gym. The exercises for boys and girls are different. Again some exercises children can do both.

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