Exercise for belly fat at home

Accumulation of fat in the abdomen is a matter of concern. There are many reasons why fat can accumulate in the abdomen. 

Such as: recent child donation, excessive drinking, extra time sitting on the sofa, less physical activity with more food, etc. But for whatever reason, you can fix your body through exercise, no matter how much fat accumulates in the abdomen. Doing such exercises three or four times a week will make your stomach tight.

 Get started today. This exercise is not that difficult. Give only 10 minutes a day. You will see how attractive your body has become.

 Exercise number one

 Lie on a mat or carpeted floor. Gently place your hands behind your head. Now using your abdomen, slowly lift your head, shoulders and upper back from the mat. Keep your stomach tight at this point and exhale with your breath. Stay like this for a while, then lie down again. Do the exercise 10 to 15 times.

 Exercise number two

 Lie down as before. That is, lie down on your back. Gently place your hands behind your head. Slowly lift the upper part of the body from the mat. Now rotate your body, place your left shoulder on the right knee. This way you can go back to your undoing for a while. Then rotate the body in the same way to the other side, taking the right shoulder towards the left knee. Do the exercise 10 to 15 times on each side.

 Walk slowly for better results

 Don't rush. There is no need to do such exercises 100 times. Follow the slow policy to get good results. If you can walk slowly, your belly fat will decrease quickly. How long to exercise? 10 minutes a day is enough. In six to eight seconds you can complete an exercise. Keep counting slowly like one, two, three, four. Count this way while lifting the body. Then when you lie down again, lie down counting five, six, seven, eight in this way.

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