Rice is the staple food of more than half of the world's population. Rice is more popular among Bengalis. But in order to smooth out the rice that is available in the market, some essential ingredients are left out. These include vitamin B, mineral salts, biotin, carbs, fats, phytochemicals and fiber. Also goes Iron, Zinc, Manganese, Vitamins A and E. As a result, eating steamed rice may be lacking in these ingredients.
However, there is no shortage of these in Dhemkichhanta rice. One cup of shredded rice contains 8 mg of magnesium. In contrast, only 19 mg of rice is rented. Dhenkichanta rice contains 164 mg of potassium, and milled rice contains 55 mg. In contrast to 3 grams of fiber in dhenkichhatta rice, there is no fiber in the rice that is broken in the mill. One cup of rice contains 80% of our daily requirement of manganese. Manganese plays a special role in the functioning of our nervous and reproductive systems. Dhenkichata rice contains an important element called selenium, which reduces the risk of heart disease, cancer and arthritis. Studies have shown that steamed rice is linked to type 2 diabetes. So, considering everything, we should go back to Dhemki.
Another interesting thing is that cold rice is more beneficial than hot rice. When the rice cools down, it forms an ingredient called resistance starch. This starch is less absorbed in the gut. As a result it takes part in the fermentation process in the colon.
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