In general, men and women have abdominal rotundity complications. Abdominal fat is more accumulated than the whole body and it's veritably sad but it's true that it takes a little further time to reduce belly fat. Still, if you can exercise regularly, it's possible to get relieve of belly fat. As well as some changes in eating habits. Don't eat too important food at formerly and eat five or six times in small portions. Drink water half an hour after eating. Regale should be finished by 830 or regale two hours before bedtime. In addition to these, it's possible to control belly fat by exercising regularly. The food list should include fruits, vegetables, red rice, red flour chuck, funk, fish, low fat milketc. 


 Still, do these exercises regularly 

, If you want to lose belly fat presto.

 1. Sit up 


 Taradiddle down on a flat place or on the bottom. Now fold the legs. The hands will be straight along the knees, towards the front. Now sit up straight in front while exhaling. The legs will be fraudulent. Now lie down in the former position again. Don't stay in the sitting position for long. Get up and lie down again, sit up again. It'll be like this formerly. You'll do this 12 times in aggregate. After 12 times, lie down for a nanosecond and rest. After a nanosecond start again in exactly the same manner. Do it again 12 times. In this way one set will be 12 times. You need to set two in this way in the original state. Latterly you can increase the set to three sets. 

 2. Crunches 


 Taradiddle down straight on the bottom. Leave the legs slightly piecemeal and fold them. Place your hands on either side of your head, behind your cognizance. Now exhale and go up. Make sure you exhale as if you were blowing through your mouth and don't put any pressure on your neck. You'll pay attention to your abdominal muscles. Don't bend the neck. The neck will be straight and you'll be looking overhead towards the ceiling. Now lower yourself to take a deep breath, but don't hit your head on the bottom; There will be some gaps in your head from the bottom. In this way, go up again and crunch down. Not too fast. You have to do a medium meter. You'll do this 12 times in aggregate. After 12 times, lie down for a nanosecond and rest. And after a nanosecond start again in exactly the same manner. Do it again 12 times. Therefore 12 sets will be one set; Therefore two sets have to be done. Pay attention to the compression and expansion of your abdominal muscles. 

 3. Leg race 


 Taradiddle down straight on the bottom. Brace the legs straight over to 90 degrees. The hands will be on the right side. Now lower your legs in two dyads to take a deep breath. Still, the legs won't stick to the bottom. There will be some distance to the bottom with your bases. In that position, exhale and raise your legs 90 degrees again. Move down again. From head to midriff will stick to the bottom. Do two sets of 12 times in this way. This exercise is veritably salutary for the lower tummy. 

 4. Russian abs twist 


 Sit with your legs straight in front. Now fold the legs and move the soles of the bases a little advanced from the bottom. Move the upper part of the body from the midriff to the reverse. And with both hands in the salutation, turn to the right formerly and bring it to the right midriff again or bring it to the midriff. Do two sets of 12 times in this way. This will reduce the fat on your midriff and lower abdominal fat. 

 5. Planck 


 Taradiddle on your reverse, with both arms folded in front, resting on the elbows and toes, keeping the body in a resemblant position. Stay in this position for 10-15 seconds. There will be 10-15 seconds in the morning. Latterly you can gradationally increase the time to 40-45 seconds. It happed formerly. Do this two to three times. Take a little rest after each time. This will reduce your belly as well as back and arm fat. 

 Still, you'll surely get veritably good results, If you do these exercises regularly. But remember not to do abdominal exercises every day. In the original stage, do it one day in a row. You'll get good results. After the first one to two days, you'll feel pain in the abdominal muscles. This will make sure that your exercises are working, that is, the fat cells have started to breakdown.However, you'll get good results, If you drag it for two to three months in this way. And after two to three months you'll have to choose another exercise. Because if you do the same exercise for a long time, you do not want to work presently. 


 Incipiently, keep in mind that you need to concentrate on your diet as well as your diet. It isn't possible to get results by doing this exercise by eating unhealthy food. Keep sugar and sticky foods and drinks down. Absolutely reduce the input of redundant unctuous foods. In addition, make it a habit to drink plenitude of water. 

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