Outbreaks of coronavirus seem to have changed all aspects of our daily lives during the 'New Normal'.  Nothing is the same as before.  Everything from lifestyle, relationships, eating habits need extra care at this time.  People of different ages in the house as well as the elders of the house should be taken extra care, extra care should be taken.  These people in their sixties live under the same roof with several generations of families.  Their wants and livelihood are also different from others.  As a result, they can claim a little extra care.  The care of the elderly during house arrest is important to keep in mind.

Be respectful to them

 It is important to show respect and esteem to the elders at all times.  They should not have the attitude that nothing will happen to them.  They need to be informed about the ‘New Normal’ of the Corona period.  They need to be accustomed to this new way of life.  They should answer the various questions appropriately without expressing annoyance.  If they respect their thoughts, ideas and needs, they will be able to adjust quickly.  If not, they may suffer from stress and depression, which will only aggravate your daily problems.

The rules must be obeyed

 Coronavirus infection is the leading cause of death in the elderly.  As a result, it is important for everyone to follow all kinds of hygiene rules to get protection from covid.  That is even more important for the elderly.  Elderly people should also keep in mind that they should not go out of the house unnecessarily, maintain social distance, wash their hands, stay clean etc.  It is also important to make them aware of these issues.

They should not be isolated

 In order to survive in Corona, it is important to take care that these people do not become isolated due to the obligation to follow various rules.  Elderly people do not have much work to do in the office or at home, so they usually want to go out, hang out with their peers, or take a walk in the morning.  Because of Corona's social distance rules, almost none of this happens now.  As a result, they may feel isolated and lonely.  Give the elders time to get rid of this condition, talk to them.  As well as talking to their friends and distant relatives through audio or video calls.  If you make them accustomed to using online, they will not feel alone.

The elderly must be careful about their health

 People in this age group need to take care of extra care, food, nutrition, rest and exercise.  As a result, it is very important to take care of the health of the elderly during house arrest.  Let's not forget about their daily nutrition in the midst of various chores and activities at home.  Adequate food, vegetables or fruits should be at home for them.  They also need to keep in mind that their daily rest and sleep should not be disturbed.  They refuse to go out of the house, so they do not have daily exercise or physical activity.  Make sure they can do a variety of simple exercises at home.  You can also make them accustomed to yoga or meditation.

Take care of the treatment

 Everything is always locked down because of Corona.  When all communication is closed, they should pay extra attention to regular treatment.  Doctors now see patients online, so they and all of them have to get used to new things like telemedicine.  Have regular contact with the doctor.  In addition, many of the elderly suffer from various physical problems, so medicine has become a part of their lives.  In order to avoid a drug crisis at this time, they need to buy extra medicine for at least a month.

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