Although not very familiar with the term pregnancy preparation or preconceptional counseling, it is very important.  Pre-conception counseling is when a couple seeks medical attention before pregnancy and anticipates problems that may arise during the upcoming pregnancy and delivery and how to resolve them.  Its main goal is to ensure that a expectant mother is completely healthy before conceiving a child and to reduce the complications during childbirth, pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum.

 Because, many of the girls have high blood pressure, diabetes, hormonal problems, anemia, various genetic problems.  But he may not know about it.  Having a child in this condition can lead to various complications in the fetus and mother.  Precancerous counseling can be started at least three months before pregnancy.

What to do before pregnancy

 Uncontrolled diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes, hypothyroidism can lead to miscarriage, death during pregnancy, weight gain or loss, impaired development of the baby's intelligence, and many complications during and after birth.  Even the mother herself can have various complications.  After identifying these risks and getting them under control through appropriate treatment.

 If you have not been vaccinated against rubella and hepatitis, you should take it.

 From one month of pregnancy and up to three months of pregnancy, 4 mg of folic acid should be taken daily.  This reduces the risk of birth defects in the baby.

 Excess weight of the mother, low weight, anemia — these should be fixed and then conceive.

 If someone has already taken medication for diabetes or high blood pressure, cholesterol, convulsions, sleep or mental problems, thyroid, etc., it is important to know whether to continue.

 Eliminate the fear or anxiety of pregnancy through counseling.

 Discuss nutritious and healthy food, regular exercise and smoking cessation.  Screening tests for genetic diseases and informing them about the risks.  To inform about the time of delivery, the method of delivery, what steps are required.  For those who have had a miscarriage or have a bad history, it is not advisable to get pregnant again without a proper examination.

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