Symptoms of heart disease.
Heart disease is called the silent killer. It is one of the leading causes of premature death in the world. Unknowingly, the process of this disease continues in the body for a long time. The risk of heart disease increases with age. In addition, high blood pressure, diabetes, smoking, high blood cholesterol, excess weight according to body height and lack of exercise or physical labor can cause heart disease. In this case, the problem can be largely prevented by determining the risk of heart attack in the next 10 years.
The American College of Cardiology for Prevention of Heart Disease and the American Heart Association recommend that people over the age of 40 be regularly screened for a risk of having a heart attack for the next 10 years. This risk can be assessed manually by visiting the website
Another notable and widely used calculator to assess the potential risk of heart disease is the Framingham Risk Score. In this case age, total blood cholesterol and good cholesterol levels, smoking habits and blood pressure are taken into consideration. There are separate points for men and women for each subject. To facilitate the discussion, I am talking about the risk assessment strategy for 40 to 49 year olds. Both men and women between the ages of 40 and 44 have zero points. 3 points for both men and women aged 45 to 49 years.
If the total cholesterol in the blood of 40 to 49 year olds is below 180, then the point is zero. If it is between 180 to 199, 4 points. If the total cholesterol is 280 or more, 13 points for women and 11 for men. If the level of good cholesterol or HDL in the blood is below 40, both men and women have 2 points. And if it is 60 or more, the point is minus 1. If you have a habit of smoking, both men and women have 1 point. If you don't have a habit of smoking, the point is zero.
For those of any age who are not receiving treatment for high blood pressure, if their systolic blood pressure is less than 120 mm Hg / mercury, both men and women have zero points. If the systolic blood pressure is 180 or above, it is 4 points for women and 2 points for men. And for those who are undergoing treatment for high blood pressure, if the systolic blood pressure is less than 120 mm Hg, both men and women have zero points. If the systolic blood pressure is 180 or more, it is 6 points for women and 3 points for men.
In the case of women, if the sum of these points is less than 9, then your risk of heart attack in the next 10 years is less than 1 percent. If the sum is 25 or more, the risk is more than 30 percent. In the case of men, if the sum is zero, the risk is less than 1 percent. Accounts up to 10 percent are identified as low risk.
If the sum is 15 or more, you are at high risk of having a heart attack in the next 10 years. In that case it is important to take immediate action on the advice of a doctor.
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