The knee is one of the largest and most important joints in our body.  This joint carries the overall weight of our body;  Helps to walk and stand up straight and run and sit normally.  Ligament or cartilage rupture from sudden injury or injury, knee joint, arthritis such as rheumatoid arthritis or spondyloarthritis, increased uric acid levels or gout, excess weight etc. are some of the causes of knee pain.

 Today we will discuss osteoarthritis, one of the causes of knee pain.

 Diseases that are caused by structural changes caused by damage to the bones and cartilage of the knee are called age-related degeneration of the knee or osteoarthritis of the knee.  This causes knee pain and difficulty in walking in the elderly.  It is necessary to perform prayers while sitting in a chair or to cook while sitting in a chair.  It is most common in people 50 years of age or older.

Which is in the early stages of the disease

 The patient feels pain when walking or getting up from the chair for a long time

 Feeling pain when going up and down the stairs

 It is difficult to sit in the toilet or pray

 The sound of squeaking is felt inside the knee while walking

 Inflammation of the affected knee may increase its temperature

 The patient staggers because of the pain

 It is not possible to straighten or bend the knee completely

 Sometimes the knees can be bent

The way the disease is diagnosed

 It is important to know the history of the disease and to have a knee exam done by a specialist.  With this some more tests are needed to differentiate it from other diseases.  Such as blood test, knee X-ray, knee ultrasonogram etc.

 Treatment is usually in three steps

 1.  Lifestyle needs to change.  Excess weight should be removed.  Hot baking, ice baking, ultrasound therapy, tense, IFT can come in handy.

 Exercise: Osteoarthritis of the knee usually weakens the thigh muscles.  So the thigh muscles need to be strengthened.  This is because this muscle puts some pressure on the knee joint and protects the knee from damage.  Some exercises must be done to strengthen the muscles.

In addition pain medications, such as paracetamol, NSAIDs can be taken to reduce knee pain.

 2.  Steroid injections, hyaluronic acid or synovial fluid are injected into the knee.  It lubricates the knee joint.  As a result frictional erosion is reduced and pain is reduced.  In addition, nowadays PRP, stem cells or mother cells, nerve or nerve block etc. are also being treated.

 3.  Some patients require surgery.  This is the last resort for patients with severe osteoarthritis of the knee.

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