the most effective way to stop smoking.

The most important thing about quitting smoking is your willpower. The more firm you are in your decision to quit smoking, the better your chances of success. Find out what harm smoking does to you and to someone close to you or your child. If necessary, write down the evils on a piece of paper by hand, keep the paper with you, and take out the paper and read it when the urge to smoke arises.

   Set a specific date for quitting smoking. Discard cigarettes, ashtrays and lighters left at home the day before. Get support from family members, relatives, friends and colleagues. Let them know the date of quitting smoking.  Don't tell them to smoke. Or don’t smoke around you.

   * Some physical and mental discomfort may be felt in the early stages of quitting smoking. This is because long-term smoking creates physical and emotional dependence. But gradually these problems are eliminated. You can use sugar-free chewing gum, mint or candy to reduce the discomfort of the key. Sometimes you can use a pencil or paper clip between two fingers to cut the discomfort of the hand or finger. Drink plenty of water.  Eat more vegetables and fruits.

   Keep the mind busy. Read magazine-story books, listen to favorite songs, take part in healthy entertainment. Practice light every day. Avoid smoking as much as possible.

   If you can't quit smoking completely at once, you can gradually reduce your smoking to one or two or a certain amount every day and you can reach the goal of quitting completely.

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