Here are some tips to help you protect your baby from coronavirus
Panic of coronavirus infection has engulfed the full world. Of these, the most feared have been children infected with the virus. Parents of the child as well as couples who are about to give birth to the child are also suffering from panic. Doctors have given specific advice to avoid the virus.
1/ Doctors say no vaccine has yet been found to prevent coronavirus. For this reason, only a few health-friendly tips should be used to prevent infection. Doctors have aforementioned that every one the precautions that square measure taken to avoid communicable disease and cough throughout the amendment of seasons are helpful if they're followed.
2/ The emphasis should first be on hand washing. Rub your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Children need to be taught not only the palms of the hands, but also the inside of the nails and the gaps of the fingers to be washed with soap and water. However, there is no need to use hot water for this. Instead of the palms of the hands, the youngsters ought to get into the habit of inborn reflex or coughing at the folds of the elbows.
3/ Sneezing or coughing should always be done using elbow folds. The child should be told not to use the palm of the hand when sneezing or coughing. In that case any germ will stick to the palm of the hand and if someone else touches that body, the infection will also occur in his body.
4/ Never try to force a child to go to school if they feel sick. Doctors say do not send children to school if they have a cold, cough or low fever.
5/ Remember, other children in the class will also be infected when your child comes in contact.
6/ It is unknown at this point what he can do when going away the post. Usually, many mothers suffer from shortness of breath from time to time. They also suffer from common cold and cough. For this reason, no specific restrictions have been set for them to prevent coronavirus infection. However, doctors think that it is enough to take general precautions to protect yourself and your unborn child from germs. Doctors don't seem to be giving abundant importance to the employment of masks to avoid the bit of
7/ virus. According to them, in all the commercial surgical masks that people use after the panic of coronavirus infection, the mask is effective in infecting others if they are infected with the virus, but surgical masks do not have the special ability to prevent bacterial infections in your healthy body.
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