Ways to prevent kidney disease

  It has been established that ACE-inhibitors and arbitrageur medication area unit terribly effective in preventing nephrosis. Similarly, if micro-albumin is controlled in diabetes, it needs to be treated on an urgent basis. In addition to regular exercise, not eating fast food, control of fatty foods can be established in the prevention of kidney disease. Also, in some cases, taking fat control medications, smoking can prevent kidney disease and get rid of heart related problems.

   Awareness of kidney patients and early detection and treatment of the disease can save millions of kidney patients from complete kidney damage. Patients with kidney failure will also be relieved of the huge cost of dialysis and kidney transplantation.

   1. Do not take painkillers unnecessarily. Various painkillers such as aspirin, diclofenac sodium, ibuprofen, etc. (many such drugs are available in the market) increase the risk of kidney disease without consulting a doctor.

   2) Control diabetes or high blood pressure. If diabetes and high blood pressure are not controlled, it can have a detrimental effect on the kidneys. As a result, the kidneys gradually become paralyzed. So diabetes and high blood pressure can be easily controlled and kidney disease can be prevented by taking medicine or following health principles.

   3.  If your child has a sore throat, itching or itching, seek medical attention immediately. There is a risk of kidney disease as a complication of these diseases.

   4.  Take moderate amount of water. Nothing can be allowed to dehydrate the body. Again it is also not true that if you drink more water the kidneys will get better. In a typical environment, an adult needs one and a half to two liters of water per day. Six to eight glasses of water per day as one glass. 

Anyone who consumes moderate amounts of water can keep their kidneys healthy. Although the water requirement decreases in winter, more water has to be taken in summer. Water consistent with the requirements of the body. However, drinking excess water can be harmful for the body.

   5.  If you have diarrhea, seek treatment immediately. This is because if the diarrhea is not treated properly, the kidneys can suddenly become crippled

   6.  If there is a history of kidney disease in the family, kidney examination should be done as per the advice of the doctor.

   7.  If you have diabetes or hypertension, you need to get checked regularly to see if your kidneys are affected.

   8.  If the limbs are swollen, if the amount of urine is reduced, if there is blood in the urine, you should seek medical help immediately. Because these issues reveal the symptoms of nephrosis.

   9. Avoid smoking. Smoking can affect the kidneys as well as other parts of the body.

   10.  It is not known how much cholesterol affects kidney disease.  Many people do not eat soybean oil thinking that they have cholesterol for fear of kidney disease. Note that steroid alcohol is AN animal supply substance. Vegetable sources (soybean oil) contain no cholesterol. So, there is no reason to be excited about the ad.

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