Several skin diseases and their remedies

    More or less everyone suffers from skin diseases. This type of skin disease is more prevalent in summer. In addition, living in unclean and densely populated environment is one of the major causes of skin diseases. If the rules are followed, it is possible to control the disease.


    Itching during hot weather is a common problem Sweating is usually when the sweat glands are closed, sweat does not come out and sweat gets stuck under the skin. As a result, there is a rash and red rash on the surface of the skin.  Some itching is very itchy.


    The disease is most common in adolescence so it can be called adolescent disease. The malady is commonest in boys and ladies between the ages of eighteen and twenty. Eating less chocolate, ice cream and other fast foods including oily, salty and fried foods can help reduce acne. Also you need to eat more water and vegetables


    Any part of the body can be infected by the fungus. In most cases it is called ringworm. The attack can be on the scalp, fingers and toes or wrinkles. It is a contagious disease. The affected space is spherical and restless like wheels. The scalp looks round and the affected area has lost hair. As a remedy, the affected area should be washed daily with soap and water. In addition, it is important to keep the affected area dry. Repeated use of soap can also cause herpes.


    The disease is more common in children. Use clean clothes and take regular baths to get rid of itching.


    Eczema is a condition of the skin where the skin is swollen. The symptoms of different types of eczema are different but usually reddish, swollen skin;  Dry, rough skin;  Itching of the skin;  Symptoms of eczema include small watery rashes on the skin of the hands and feet

    Detergents, soaps or shampoos can cause eczema. Excessive heat or excessively cold and damp wet weather can also cause eczema.

    Dermatitis due to arsenic

    Drinking water with arsenic can cause various skin problems, for example, small spots on the skin or the whole skin may become black, the skin of the hands and nails may become hard and rough. Also black and white spots on different parts of the skin including the skin of the hands and feet may appear as hard lumps or lumps. Of concern, however, is that the ultimate consequence of drinking arsenic-contaminated water may be a decrease in kidney and liver function;  Skin, lung and bladder cancers;  Decreased kidney function etc.  6

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