Liver disease and its cure. 

The liver is that the largest secreter within the soma. This vital organ is located on the side of the body. This is called the body's laboratory.  The weight of the liver of a full grown person is about 1 to 1.5 kg. The ability of our brain, heart, lungs, kidneys, etc. to function properly depends on the energy released from the liver. So it is a very important organ for our body.

 One of the diseases of the liver in our country, 

1. Viral hepatitis (also known as jaundice)2. Liver cirrhosis 3. Liver cancer 4. Liver boil 5. Gallbladder or bile duct disease 6. Congenital and metabolic diseases of the liver etc.

 The symptoms of all these liver diseases do not appear suddenly. Gradually all these diseases develop in the human body. However, the most common symptoms of liver problems are in the tongue.

 * Yellowish covering of the tongue occurs in biliary diseases.

 * Jaundice, gallstones, hepatitis B-virus, etc. also cause yellowing of the tongue.

 * In order to understand the complex problems of the liver, the tongue is covered with black.

 * Sudden onset of nausea, or severe vomiting during jaundice.

 * Loss of appetite, reluctance or severe weakness, sometimes fever or fever can also lead to the onset of liver disease.

 Hepatitis A and E are the main liver diseases in our country. So you should not take food outside.

 Hepatitis A vaccine is now prevalent in our country. So this vaccine should be taken by everyone. Hepatitis B virus vaccine is also available in our country. Everyone in the family needs to be vaccinated. Because the hepatitis C vaccine has not yet been discovered, all precautions must be taken. Awareness can be one of the ways to keep your liver healthy.

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