Solutions to headaches and insomnia

Brother Amjad had been suffering from two problems for a long time.  One: Headache.  Two: Lack of sleep at night.  Amjad Bhai works in sales, he has to run and jump in Dhaka all day.  When I return home at night, I have a headache.  Moreover, do not want to sleep!  After staying up many nights, he gets a little sleep, and gets up in the morning and goes out to earn a living.  Not too much of a result.  On the contrary, he is now suffering from various complications due to side effects of the drug.

   But the hope is that Amjad Bhai met a foreign health doctor a few days ago and found a simple solution to this problem.  Now he does not have a headache, sleep is good at night!  I asked my brother Amjad - how did you get rid of this long-term complication?  Amjad Bhai smiled very nicely in reply.  Then he taught me how to easily solve the problem of insomnia with two meals in hand!  Two meals are milk and honey.  Now I will present that solution to you-

   A mixture of milk and honey to relieve headaches and insomnia:

   We all know about the different benefits of honey.  At the same time, I know about the thousands of benefits of regular milk intake.  But have you ever wondered what are the benefits of mixing milk and honey together?

   What kind of medicine do we take for headaches but this mixture of honey and milk can easily get rid of common headaches.  Moreover, for those who do not sleep well at night, it is seen that sleep does not come without sleeping pills, this mixture is also very beneficial.  Is that so?  This mixture is able to eliminate many more physical complications.  Let's see the benefits of eating honey and milk together!

How to make a mixture of milk and honey?

   Learn how to eat milk and honey together to relieve headaches and get a good night's sleep.

   Take one glass amount of milk in a container.  Heat the milk little by little.  After heating, pour the milk into a glass.  Then put two teaspoons of pure honey in a glass.  Stir well with a spoon and mix honey with milk.  When mixed, eat hot.  After eating, turn off the lights for a while, lie down in bed, close your eyes and rest.  You will notice that the feeling of headache will gradually decrease, you will have a good night’s sleep and you will feel very fresh in the morning.

   However, there is no obligation to eat a mixture of milk and honey.  There are many more ways you can mix honey with milk if you want.  Either way, try to eat hot.  It is better to eat this mixture just before bed after dinner and then you will get the best results.

   Not only this mixture of milk and honey can cure our insomnia!  Many more physical problems can be prevented by eating these foods regularly.

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