Three foods to control weight

Our idea is to gain weight by eating more food. But it is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post. Mr. Rashid is such a person. One day he may find out that there are many foods that help in weight control.  

Mr. Rashid has to be busy in the office round the clock due to various work pressures. Meanwhile, as a result of food, you have to eat some heavy food every day. Today's raw biryani is tomorrow's chicken musallam. Fried Khichuri Kal Parshu Kalbhun una Meanwhile his body is growing by eating good-evil.  You can’t even take some free time for work stress to run a gym. As a result, the stomach is growing!  Mr. Monir did not notice the matter!

   - What's the matter Rashid, it looks like people are becoming happier day by day!

   - Why Monir?

   - I can see that the stomach is coming out day by day!  People say, Bhuri is a sign of a happy person, so I said Arki!  Ha ha ha ha

   - And don't say Mr. Monir is irritating!  I can’t stop eating good-evil, I can’t go to the gym already because of work stress!  I think stop eating rice, I will reduce eating!

   - Ha ha!  There is no point in Mr. Rashid saying this. There is no special benefit if you reduce the food as you think!  Instead, think of these as actions that you must take on a regular basis to #lose weight.

   - What are you talking about, brother? Is it possible!  On the contrary, even if I play a little, it gets stuck in my body!

   - I have a brother. There are many foods to lose weight. Apple Cider Vinegar, Remedy Juice, Green Tea, Sabita - How Much More!

   - Is that so, brother? How?

   - Then listen to what are the benefits of these and how to lose weight by eating them!

   Weight loss foods:

   ::::: Apple Cider Vinegar :::::

Apple Cider Vinegar

   Apple cider lowers cholesterol.  A 2007 study in Japan found that the acetic acid in vinegar helps destroy bad cholesterol in the blood. Studies have shown that regular intake of half an ounce of apple cider vinegar helps control cholesterol levels. Apple cider vinegar helps you lose weight. Its acetic acid suppresses urge to eat and increases metabolism. One tablespoon of apple cider vinegar contains 1 mg of calcium, 0.8 mg of magnesium, 1.2 mg of phosphorus and 10.6 mg of potassium, without any fat or protein. Scientists theorize that starch helps in digestion, thus reducing the amount of calories in the bloodstream. Apple cider vinegar stores energy when you need energy after a workout or gym, or when your energy needs increase after doing extra work, it contains potassium and a variety of enzymes that relieve weakness. So eating a moderate amount of apple cider vinegar every day reduces body weight and cuts fat.

   - Monir's brother, can people of all ages eat this apple cider vinegar?

   - Of course. Anyone can take this thing in moderation. No problem.  As a result, you don't have to go through any difficult process like losing weight or not going to the gym!

   - We will!  What other foods do you have to lose weight?

   - Yes, brother. The second food I will name to lose weight is green tea!

   - Green tea, hmm. I heard the name.

   - Then listen to how to lose weight by playing green tea!

   ::::: Green Tea :::::

Green Tea

   The tea that we drink every day is black tea. Sometimes it is customary to drink this tea with a mixture of milk and sugar, sometimes with or without sugar.  However, green tea has become popular in our country. The fresh green leaves of the tea tree are dried in the sun and baked in a pan to prepare the green tea. Its color is light yellow green. This tea contains two anti-oxidants called polyphenols and flavonoids which remain intact even after making tea.

Green tea helps to stay our body fresh and cheerful. It also reduces the danger of heart condition and cancer. If you drink tea regularly, more sugar cannot enter the body's fat cells. As a result, this tea helps to regulate our weight and blood cholesterols levels. A team of Chinese researchers has shown that the chemicals in green tea improve people's memory and help the brain store memories and information about the environment.  Studies have shown that people who drink 1 cup of green tea a day have a much healthier heart than those who eat 5 cups of green tea a day. They are less likely to possess disorder. It also helps to avoid bad cholesterol from the body to keep our heart healthy. So if you want to save heart and lose weight, eating green tea is a must!

   - I didn't know so much, brother!  That's great!  Tell me where to get this green tea!

   - Available in various supershops or online stores.  However, it is important to choose a good quality green tea.

   - Well, stay.  And is there any other weight loss diet?

   - Yes!  Now I will tell you how you can lose weight by drinking the juice of the remedy!

   ::::: Remedy Juice :::::

Remedy juice

   Remedy juice is a type of juice that helps to lose weight effortlessly through regular consumption. Medicinal juices (garlic, ginger, lemon, apple cider vinegar and honey) are world-renowned as herbal remedies for weight loss, heart disease, high blood pressure and cholesterol-related diseases. Any kind of artificial color or preservative free herbal juice works as an effective natural solution for diseases, high blood pressure and cholesterol related diseases.

   - That's great!  This is also a very good drink!  I will lose weight without eating less!  What did Monir's brother say?

   - That's right!

   - Enough!

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