The quality of vegetables and the benefits of eating. 

You will get the benefits of antioxidants by eating fibrous food.

All types of vegetables have a lot of fiber. Dhemkichhata rice, cucumber, data, sajane, shrimp, karla, chichinga, dharas, etc. will get fiber.

Spinach helps to keep the intestines of the body active. Stools that have accumulated inside the intestines are easily expelled. Diabetics will benefit from eating this vegetable in moderation. The seeds of this vegetable are very beneficial. The thick oil of spinach seeds cures worms and urinary tract diseases.

Vitamin C in onion leaves helps lower cholesterol and blood pressure levels and reduces the risk of heart disease. The high fiber content of onion leaves enhances appetite and helps increase digestion. 

Coriander leaves contain various medicinal ingredients that purify the blood. Coriander leaves remove various toxins from the bloodstream and helps keep the body healthy. 

Mustard greens are a rich source of vitamins and minerals. Rich in vitamins A, C and K, mustard helps keep the body healthy. It contains antioxidants that protect you from various viral diseases. This mustard leaf contains vitamin A which helps in maintaining good eyesight. 

As Lettuce vegetables are rich in vitamin-C, its iron is easily absorbed by the body. Lettuce has been used as medicine for various ailments since ancient times, including providing essential nutrients. When the level of hemoglobin in the blood decreases, doctors recommend eating spinach.

red spinach has the highest amount of calcium compared to other vegetables. If the growing child is deficient in calcium and the teeth and bones do not improve properly, they should be fed red spinach from an early age. 

Eating spinach keeps the body cool. This vegetable is very beneficial for patients suffering from jaundice. Spinach is a blood cleansing food. Increases blood, enhances facial beauty and brightens eyes. Applying fresh spinach juice on wounds, acne is beneficial.

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