At the beginning the guest is asked what is meant by healthy skin. Professor Ahmed Ali said, ‘Skin is the largest organ of our body. This organ, which extends from the soles of the feet to the palms of the head, can have a variety of problems or complications. Normal, problem-free, healthy skin is healthy skin.
The arms, legs and mouth of our body are open and other parts are covered. In this open part of the skin so various problems occur a little more. The effects of environment and weather are more on our skin. For example, dry feet on winter days can cause cracked feet. People who go out in the sun more or work more near the stove have more dullness or darkening of the facial skin.
If there is a problem with our skin, we cannot easily understand exactly when to seek medical attention. Professor Dr. Ahmed Ali said, ‘If there is a problem with the skin, it continues to grow day by day and goes to an unbearable level or the infection accumulates. If normal daily activities are disrupted, then you have to go to the doctor. There are many who start treatment on their own without knowing anything and bring the problem to us more complicated.
In this case, I will say, you have to be patient for a few days without doing anything. If it continues to grow then you need to seek the help of a good dermatologist. However, in case of any problem in children, they should go to the doctor immediately. Because, their skin is very delicate. For this, the treatment is also different. '
There are many changes in our skin with age. Skin care should be taken in the same way. As you grow older, your skin will lose its moisture, become dry and thin and wrinkle. From adolescence to the age of 30, the amount of sweat and oil on the skin is high. At this time the use of soap and face wash should be increased. Otherwise the oil-sweat combination will make the skin more dirty. But with age, the use of these products should be reduced. Because, then the skin becomes dry. At a young age, lotions or creams should be used in moderation. And with age you have to use a little more.
People with two types of skin are more common. Dry and oily. This type of skin has both good and bad sides. Their problems are also different. As oily skin is more prone to acne and dandruff, it is less common on dry skin. So we have to adjust our lifestyle according to the skin type, so that the problems can be prevented.
Allergy issues and sleep were discussed at the event. There are many antihistamine drugs that can help a patient fall asleep. Regarding this, Professor Ahmed Ali said, ‘Many times such patients need sleep. However, there are many drugs on the market, which do not sleep. Biltin is one of them. In addition, some other drugs are available. People who have trouble sleeping can take such drugs. So you need to tell the doctor which medications cause sleep problems and which do not.
It is very important to use our mask and hand sanitizer during coronation. This is also causing some skin problems. Ahmed Ali said, ‘There are many who overuse them. It can't be done. Hand sanitizer should be applied only when going out. It should be moisturized after use so that the hands do not become dry or rough. Even before going to bed at night, you need to moisturize your hands. And this is the rule that the mask will stick to the skin. Even then it cannot be worn extra tight. If you are in a risk-free place, the mask can be kept open for a short time.
Dr. with various skin problems and its solutions. Ahmed Ali has written a book titled 'Skin Problems and Things to do' about his 30 years of medical life experience. Here is a detailed description of why skin problems occur and how to take care of them at home.
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