Hair matures at a young age. 

If you begin to grow hair at a young age, the mind are a bit unhealthy. In most cases, there is no specific reason behind hair loss. It is a normal process of aging. Your genetics control it a bit. This may be the reason why others in the family have a history of hair loss at an early age. The hair does not actually turn white, but with age it loses its ability to produce hair follicles or melanin. As a result, the new hair that grows is colorless.

 Usually after the age of 35, many people start to lose color little by little. However, due to some diseases, the hair may turn white at a relatively young age. Find out what they are?

 * Some genetic diseases, such as: neurofibromatosis or tuberous sclerosis.

 * Thyroid problems.

 * Vitamin B12 deficiency.

 * Vitiligo or leukemia.

 We have some misconceptions about hair maturation. For example, if there is a lot of stress, the hair will ripen quickly. This idea is not entirely correct.  However, due to stress, a problem called telogen effluvium occurs which results in more hair loss. This is called alopecia. New hair that grows after a lot of hair loss may become a little colorless due to age. Again, the idea of ​​many, even if you use different types of chemicals in the hair, the hair will ripen quickly. This idea is also wrong.  However, scientists have found a link between smoking and white hair. In addition, there are many types of supplement pills available in the market that claim to prevent hair loss. No such vitamin or mineral supplement has been proven to have any role. However, long-term malnutrition, especially lack of meat and lack of vitamin B12 can cause hair to turn white. If the hair starts to turn white, it is better to take it without feeling upset.

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