Fitness test

What is physical fitness test

 Many of you have talked about fitness. Many people have been advised to increase physical fitness for various reasons. But how do you know what stage your current fitness is at and how much fitness you will get if you do any exercise, it is not said. This post mentions three exercises. After reading this post, you can check your own fitness.

 So let's get started-

 Way # 1:

 Fitness starts from the middle of the body i.e. on the condition of the abdomen. And the way to measure it is the abdominal exercise "plank". Basic plank is given by lying on the toes and mass on the hands and elbows. 


 If the basic plank stays below 60 seconds -> below the fitness average

 If you can stay 60 seconds -> Average fitness

 If you can stand for 60 seconds with your legs up on a table -> above the fitness average

 If you can stay for 60 seconds without folding your elbows, then your body is fully fit

 Way # 2

 Bookdon. We are all more or less familiar with Bookdon. It is a very popular exercise to increase the chest muscles as its position and movement is very easy.

 Lie on your toes and palms of your hands. Then fold the elbow and bring it up to an inch above the book floor and return to it with a break of one second. A bookdown will be calculated. Many people give bookdon by twisting their waists, there is no need for that.


 Less than 15 bookdons at a time -> below average

 18 to 29 bookdon-> average

 30-44 bookdon-> above average

 More than 45 bookdons-> full fit

 Way # 3

 "Chinup" is one of the main exercises for the entire upper back of the body including arms, arms, back and shoulders. The exercise can be done in two ways, one) the palm of the hand facing itself, 2) the palm of the hand facing the opposite direction. Hang the chest in any way in the bar and bring it in contact with the bar. There you have to slowly bring the body down again with a break of one second.  There will be a pullup to lift the body up and down once.


 Less than 3 chinups -> below average

 3 to 6 -> average

 8-10 -> above average

 More than 10 -> full fit

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