Coronavirus tips / Coronavirus update.


   The coronavirus epidemic is usually accompanied by several symptoms, such as fever and dry cough or body aches.

   And many are skeptical about whether they will seek medical help in the face of overcrowding and a lack of services in public and private hospitals.

   But what if you find that you have multiple symptoms of coronavirus infection?

   What to do if multiple coronavirus infections occur. Suggestion:


   Stay separate in the beginning

   The first symptoms of a coronavirus infection are fever and dry cough. Muscle soreness, sore throat, loss of taste and smell, shortness of breath, occasional upset stomach and nausea or vomiting may also occur.

   Physicians believe that if one sees more than one such symptom in oneself, one should initially go for ‘self-isolation’, i.e. one should completely separate oneself from family members.

   This will prevent the virus from infecting family, work and people in the neighborhood.

   If possible, stay in a separate room, where you don't have to go out for breakfast and other work. Family members will leave food and other necessities and medicines outside the door of the house.

   If this is not possible, keep at least six feet away from others and wear a mask.


   Samples should be tested

   However, doctors say that now if one or more symptoms of fever usually occur, Covid-19 should be taken, that is, samples should be taken and treatment should be arranged.

   Samples can be tested in both public and private sectors. Coronavirus samples are currently being tested in 722 government laboratories in Bangladesh. Of these, 32 are in Dhaka and Dhaka.

In that case decision the hotline variety provided by the Department of Health or contact the native Civil medico or town Corporation.

   The government has fixed Rs 3,500 for private sample testing at the hospital and up to Rs 4,500 for in-house collection of samples.


   Gargle and steam hot water

   You may have given permission to test the sample, but you will have to sit down and do some work every day until the report comes.

   The first is to gargle hot water and doctors recommend gargling at least four to six times a day. Also take hot water steam several times a day.

   Eat nutritious food


   Doctors think that at this time eat foods that increase immunity.

   So eat more protein foods and eat soup. Eat foods rich in vitamin C.

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