Symptoms of Coronavirus in China. 


This time Digital Desk: Even after seven months, no one in the world can solve the corona puzzle. Grave scientists, including the World Health Organization (WHO). Britain today, Russia tomorrow. Gradually, different countries show a glimmer of hope in the competition for a possible cure for the coronavirus. Some say that if their research is successful in the first stage, one country has already reached the final stage, surpassing the other two stages. But since when will this vaccine reach the hands of ordinary people?

Coronavirus Update (Liv)    

Coronavirus update Live

     A new coronavirus was found in northwest China's Xinjiang on Tuesday. The presence of this deadly virus was found in the bodies of 57 people there. The United States has claimed that the coronavirus was spread from a laboratory in Wuhan. The secrecy of 201 secrets only raised questions about the efficiency of its Wuhan laboratory staff and the inadequacy of emergency protection measures to deal with the virus. The World Health Organization (WHO) said the coronavirus had spread from the Wuhan market last December.


     The health ministry said on Tuesday that 938 new coronas had been found in Pakistan in the past 24 hours. 2 lakh 8 thousand 996 people have been affected by all the seals.  The number of deaths in Corona in the world is one and a half million. About 95 lakh healthy people. 6 lakh 51 thousand 902 people have died in the world so far. 4 thousand 57 people have died in the last 24 hours. The daily death toll on Monday was 4,526. But hopefully, the number of deaths per day has dropped by almost a third in the last five days. A total of 1 crore 83 lakh 98 thousand 954 people have been affected in the world.


     2 lakh 4040 people were infected in one day. The number of daily infections on Monday was 2 lakh 12 thousand 612 America America is now the top in the world in terms of coronary infections. The number of victims is increasing due to jumping and limiting. The number of infected people in that country has risen to 41,06,4646, according to Johns Hopkins University coroner virus tracker. 1 lakh 45 thousand 333 people died there. Brazil is second only to the United States in terms of attacks. The total number of infected people there is 22 lakh 455 people, 85 thousand 266 people have died. Brazil is in second place in terms of the number of dead. India is in the third place. The number of corona cases in India is at least 12 lakh 8 thousand 106 and the number of deaths is 30 thousand 601.


     Launched in China in December last year, Corona has affected at least 1.5 million people worldwide. Deaths have exceeded six lakhs.  Due to which the world economy has been severely damaged. Travel and airlines fall on deaf ears Emirates Airlines has announced a special package for passengers to encourage air travel in this situation.

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