Nerve problems in the body of 4 out of 5 people infected with coronavirus! 


Gradually the whole world is drowning in the corona grass. Meanwhile, the number of corona worldwide has exceeded 35.5 million. However, the recovery rate is giving some relief in this situation. So far, more than 2.9 crore people have been completely liberated from corona. Meanwhile, a recent study of corona patients found that four out of every five corona patients had some kind of neurological problem. corona virus update

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     That’s why the expert community is thinking. The study is currently being conducted by Chicago neurologists. It has been found that most people with coronary heart disease have neurological problems such as muscle aches, headaches, dizziness, loss of taste and odor. The study also looked at 509 patients in Chicago.(corona weather)

Experts further said that most coronary heart disease has serious problems like encephalopathy. It is basically a disease in which the functioning of the brain is severely impaired by the effects of the virus. The researchers also said that the level of toxins in the blood fluctuated significantly due to viral infections. 

But experts say the symptoms are more common in people who have been suffering from corona for more than 65 years. Meanwhile, more than one million people across the United States have been infected with the coronavirus. More than 215,000 people died.

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