Baby care in summer and winter. 

Winter baby care 6

       The incidence of childhood illness increases in winter. In this case, the parents have to take extra care.

       1) Vaccinate the child.

       2) In the habit of washing hands frequently. As a result, it will protect the baby from many diseases.

       2) Put fever suspension (paracetamol) in the house.

       4) Keep saline food packets at home.

       5) If you get sick quickly, consider where to go first.

       6) Most winter illnesses are short-lived. The child recovered on its own. Yet at this time together with the children to read books, listen to music or open their throats. Love and attention are powerful medicines for a child's rapid healing

       Hot weather baby care 6

       When children endure extreme heat, they face many problems because they do not express any problems. Parental responsibility to comply with the following:

       1) Drink water frequently. Feed coconut water, fruit juice.

       2) If the body temperature rises, wipe the body.

       3) At this time the baby must wear soft and thin cotton clothes.

       4) Using the right sunscreen will protect your baby's soft skin from the harmful effects of the sun's ultraviolet rays.

       5) Outbreaks of mosquitoes, flies, ants or various insects can be seen in summer which can cause illness of your child. You can use aerosols or other pesticides to keep your house free from these. However, make sure that your child does not reach them in any way. Keep the house clean to avoid insects. Do not allow water to accumulate in flower tubs or anywhere else, even in buckets.

       6) Do not place the baby directly in the fan or AC. Open the windows of the house if necessary

       7) Do not let the body sweat dry in any way, it can catch a cold. For this, wipe the sweat repeatedly.

       8) Apply itching powder after bath and before bed to prevent itching on baby's skin.

       9) Keep an eye on your baby's clothes. Change it when it gets wet or dirty.

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