Three habits to be smart.

Nowadays everyone wants to make themselves smart. The easiest way to make yourself smart and intelligent is to hide some good habits. Everyone wants to enhance their memory and creativity. All you have to do is add three habits to your life. 

If you practice three habits you will get good results in a few days

1) Get enough sleep

Sleep is very important for our body.  But too much sleep or too little sleep is very harmful for our body. Adequate sleep keeps the brain healthy. Creative thinking and keen memory depend on good sleep. Sleep is not the same for everyone. 6 hours of sleep is enough and 9 hours of sleep can be taken. However, you should get as much sleep as you need for your body and brain. 

2) Give proper nutrition to the brain

A well-built person can suffer from malnutrition. This means that even if you look well, your brain may not get enough nutrition. This requires eating a balanced diet. Omega 3 is an important nutrient in the brain. Almond, soybean, fish oil contains omega 3. 

3) Try to learn new things every day

Learning something new every day will increase both your intelligence and smartness. It's not just that you have to learn by reading that book. 
You can learn a lot by watching videos on YouTube or by going out.
It all depends on you how you learn to use your thinking power.

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