How do you stop pimples on your face.

Some tips to get rid of facial acne in boys.

Keep the skin clean

Protect skin from external dust and sun. The heat of the outside sun creates fragmentation on the skin resulting in dark spots on the skin.
So when you go out, you have to protect your skin from the heat of the sun. Give a splash of cold water on the face three to four times throughout the day.


Cut a lemon and rub it well on the face with the peel. Sun citric acid will help remove excess oil and dark spots on your skin.


Cucumber is very effective in brightening the skin naturally. After returning home every day, rub your face with a basket of cucumber for 15-20 minutes before washing your face. Cucumber juice also acts as a natural moisturizer on the skin.

Raw turmeric and milk

Mix one teaspoon of raw turmeric and milk together to make a paste and apply it all over the face. Raw turmeric maintains the softness of the skin and milk helps to increase the radiance of the skin.

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