role of exercise

role of exercise

 1.  Exercise time should be kept as low as possible, a maximum of one hour. This is because the hormones needed to build muscle begin to decrease after an hour. So even after an hour if you ask for exercise then muscle loss will start.

 2.  The less rest you can get between finishing one set and starting another while exercising, the better. The pair will rest for 90 seconds. Then begin subsequent set of exercises once more. Excessive rest can make the body cold.

 3.  Do not exercise continuously for more than two consecutive days. It is best if you can exercise one day at a time. Remember in the gym but the body does not grow. In the gym, only the muscles are stretched, there is as much blood circulation as possible to wake up. Muscle builds up when eating, drinking, sleeping or resting at home. In addition, if the muscles get enough rest, you will be able to go to the gym next time and start with new energy. Otherwise you will feel tired, the desire to exercise will decrease.

4.  Do not go for more than 8 to 15 reps per set of exercises. If you give more wraps with light weight, the body will become soft and supple like girls. If you want to increase muscle mass, the less weight you can give with more weight, the better.

 5.  It is better not to exercise in the same routine day after day.  Sometimes you can change the routine. In other words, after a few weeks, you can turn the middle exercise before, the first exercise in the middle - this way. It will not be boring.

 6.  If you want to gain more weight, you have to see that the form of exercise is not lost again. Suppose you are doing hand muscle exercises. He used the shoulder muscles as well as the shoulder muscles to gain more weight with the others. It is a kind of deception with itself. Never do it. Do the right thing as much as you can without comparing yourself with others. Another thing in this context - never compare yourself with the body or strength of others. This can lead to inferiority complex. You will try to get in the best form of your body. In other words, the balance will be with yourself, to go to a better position than your current situation.

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