first aid steps and emergency action

In this episode you will find some home health services -

     1.  If someone eats something poisonous, try to make him vomit. For this you can drink more salt water and you need to go to the hospital quickly

     2) Toxic insect bites can create ice. If necessary, rinse with soapy water and apply antiseptic lotion to the wound. In the case of snake bites, one should try to identify whether the snake is poisonous by looking at the tooth marks. In the case of venomous snakes, two more spots are seen outside the two rows of teeth. To reduce blood circulation, snake bites should be placed a few inches above the cloth or tied with a rubber band. If necessary, you have to cut the snake bite site and suck the blood, but you have to learn the method.

     3.  If there is bleeding in any part of the body, the main purpose should be to stop the bleeding or reduce the bleeding. Hold the wound with a clean gauze or bandage. When the hand is cut off, hold the hand for a while. This will stop the bleeding in a while. Then clean the area with betadine or antiseptic and apply antibiotic cream. If bleeding does not stop or stitches are needed, take care of the treatment. If you are doing dressing work, apply new medicine one day at a time.

     4.  If there is an injury anywhere on the body, first determine the location and amount of the injury. If your hands or feet are swollen, apply ice to it. Diclofenac gel can be applied lightly. However, if it is cut somewhere, do not apply such cream directly on the wound. Do not massage the affected area. Rest the affected area. Wrap with crepe bandage. However, if there is excess swelling or blackness under the skin, it can be assumed that the bone is broken. In that case go to the doctor and get an X-ray and get the appropriate treatment

     5.  And be careful if you get hit in the head. If you experience symptoms such as nausea, excessive sleep, severe headaches, etc. after an injury, you should seek the help of a hospital or doctor. A first aid box at home and scientific knowledge will help you deal with minor medical emergencies. Life will be much safer.

     .  After the insects enter the ears, apply a small amount of mustard oil or olive oil on them and the insects die and come out. In addition, if something like marble enters, it is necessary to arrange for it to be sent to a doctor or hospital immediately.

     .  The eyes are an invaluable resource of human beings. Eyes can be involved in accidents for a variety of reasons. Dust may fall on the eyes. While working, some drops may get stuck in the eyes, some chemicals may get into the eyes.

     A. Never rub your eyes.

     B.  I have to shed tears.

     C.  The patient should be exposed to light and gently open both eyelids. If there is any object in the eye, the corner of the handkerchief should be soaked and the thing should be washed gently.

     d.  If any chemical gets in the eyes, it should be washed with milk.

     e.  He should be referred to a doctor or hospital as soon as possible.

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