Relief new daily persistent headache

headache types

The headache is quite a pain. Working with headaches all day is kind of uncomfortable. But there are some home remedies that will help you get rid of headaches in 60 seconds. You can also do this procedure while working at the office desk. Or you can do it while traveling. This is the earliest, safest and scientifically agreed way to relieve headaches. It will be very beneficial in curing headaches. However, if it gets out of control, you must go to the doctor.

     But why the delay? Let's find out how to get rid of this pain. Lifestyle web site Boldsky reports on this methodology.


     Many people have been using acupressure for many years to get rid of headaches. This small procedure will help you get rid of the headache in one minute.

     Press the middle part of the finger with the finger of the left hand and the finger and index finger of the other hand and massage in a circular motion. Do the same with the right hand. Experts say it is hoped that the headache will go away in a minute.(headache relief)


     To drink

     Drinking a sip of water will help you cure headaches in one minute. The pain gradually subsides when our body becomes moist.



     Heat some cloves in a pan. Take hot cloves in a napkin. Take a minute to smell and get rid of the headache.

     Salt apples

Salt apples

     If the pain is severe, you can try this home remedy. You can chew a piece of apple but sprinkle a little salt on it. This will help to relieve the pain quickly.

     You can chew ginger

     You can chew a piece of fresh ginger, it will relieve the headache in 60 seconds. Ginger smells a bit, but the method works.

     Smile happy mind

     Many people may not believe it but if you take your mind to something positive and good then the headache will go away in 60 seconds.

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