Maintain physical distance to school. 

    Healthy and wholesome exercises related to hand washing

    Advice on maintaining cleanliness and disinfection in the classroom.

    If any student feels sick, take necessary action.

    Teachers play an important role in continuing education activities during epidemics. With the reopening of schools, it will be up to teachers to ensure that children will be able to continue their studies in a safe and healthy environment and regain lost knowledge and skills.

    As a teacher, knowing information will help keep you and your students safe. We need to be aware of the false information and dangerous myths about Covid-19 that spread fear and rumors in the society.

    Some of your students may return to school from families where they have heard false information about Covid-19. 

    Understanding the Covid-19 virus, how it spreads and how we can protect ourselves and others from the virus - an important first step in developing classroom methods and protocols. Students need to know about the virus to follow the rules properly. If children have any concerns and ideas, listen to them and answer their questions in a way that suits their age. Talk to them about the different reactions they have experienced and reassure them that this is a normal response to an unusual situation.

    Be sure to use reliable sources such as UNICEF, the World Health Organization and your country's health authorities for information on Covid-19 (Coronavirus update Live) . By being aware of the situation and following the recommendations of public health experts, we can protect ourselves and the people around us.

    When it comes to maintaining social distance, it is important for your school administration and your country's Ministry of Health and / or local health agencies and authorities to develop some rules for the classroom.

    Suggested steps include:

    Maintain a distance of at least one meter or 3 feet between everyone present at the school

    Increase the distance between each desk (at least 1 meter or 3 feet between each desk), abrupt breaks / breaks and lunch breaks (if this is not possible, have lunch at an alternate desk)

    Limit interaction between different classes of students for school and after-school activities. For example, students in a particular class will be in the same classroom all day and teachers will travel to different classrooms;  Or, use different classroom entrances if possible or introduce a building / exit system for each classroom.

    Separate school days to differentiate between school start and end times and to avoid all students and teachers together

    If possible, consider increasing the number of teachers so that a small number of students are allowed to enter each classroom (if space is available).

    Advise students not to take home from school or public gatherings during day care, and avoid elderly family or community members when taking students home from school if possible. To reduce the large number of children at a given time, to take students home from school / to exclude students from school (age-based)

    Use different marks, scratches, tapes, ropes and other means to maintain a distance of 1 (one) meter around the entrance.

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